GR Lions Club Change Secretaries
The Grand Rapids Lions Club Secretary Lion Craig Nobbelin is retiring from his position after over 12 years of dedicated service. The Club and its Board of Directors are deeply grateful for all of his hard work in carrying out the many duties of this position for so many years and are honored that Lion Craig will continue to serve our Club as Newsletter Editor and Historian.
Lion Craig was first appointed to the Secretary position for the 2006-07 Lion year. As an annual appointment, he was appointed continually since then. Craig has also been the Editor of the newsletter, Nuda Veritas, since Dr Gerald Knapp’s death in the mid-1990’s. Before there was an electronic newsletter, Craig worked with a fellow Lion, Vern Evans, to print and mail out printed copies. In a third role as club historian, Craig has been organizing all the Grand Rapids Lions historical material and eliminating duplicate files and newsletters. As the club approaches our 100th anniversary, he has begun publishing “excerpt” articles from the earliest remaining Nuda Veritas’ to give current Lions an idea of what the club was like previously
The Grand Rapids Lions Club is pleased to announce that Lion Cheryl Anderson has agreed to serve as our new Club Secretary. Lion Cheryl has served as District 11-C1 Cabinet Secretary for two years, has traveled extensively with Past International Director Lions Gary Anderson promoting Lionism around the world, and most recently managed the Forum Store at the USA Canada Lions Leadership Forum in Columbus, OH. Cheryl joined Lions in 2003 and also has been the instrumental leader behind the success of the Grand Valley State University Campus Lions Club founded in 2005 and currently the longest serving Campus Lions Club in Michigan.
Lion Craig Nobbelin will continue to serve as the Nuda Veritas Editor, club historian, and handle all requests for hearing aids. Craig has been processing hearing aid applications for the Lions of Michigan Foundation (Grand Rapids & Kentwood) since the 1980’s. He took over the task from Lion Gerald O’Bee. Lion Craig, thank you for your tireless behind the scenes work as our club Secretary for the last dozen years.
Grand Rapids Lions Club 2018-2019 Board of Directors