Membership Listing
Our membership includes men and women from many walks of life including business leaders, civic leaders, lawyers, judges, physicians, and a variety of other fields including a congressman from Grand Rapids who went on to become the 38th President of the United States. Each of these individuals is distinguished not only in their profession, but also in their selfless commitment to the betterment of our community. The list below names our current members.
Name | Title |
Name | Title |
Stephanie Anderson | |
Cheryl Anderson | Retired, Office Mgr GVSU |
Gary Anderson | Optometrist-Retired |
Erik Anderson | |
Joe Annoreno | |
James/Anne Baird | Blind Rehabilitation Specialist |
Anne Baird | Teacher Consultant for the Visually Imparied; Orientation and Mobility Specialist |
Meagan Baker | |
Carla Bolhuis | Elementary Educator |
Rick Bolhuis | Hudsonville Counselor |
Scott Brady | President/ CEO |
Jason Brown | Manager/Producer |
Kevin Carlson | |
Dr. Adam Carlson | Optometrist |
Daniel Crane | |
Keith Crittenden | |
Thomas Dandridge | Professor |
Jeffrey Dodson | CEO/Owner |
Patrick Droste | M.D. |
Benjamin Eavey | Director of Professional Services |
Sherah Eavey | Optometrist |
Shawn Eyestone | Estate Planning and Business Attorney |
Bill Fleetham | Retired |
Lynn Francis | |
Kim Gary | Partner - Retired |
Anna Goddard | Foundation Director |
Boyd Griswold | Retired |
Randall Hamstra | Vice President |
Shelley Irwin | Host, Morning Show |
Donald Jakel | Retired (as Business Manager) |
James Junod | Vice President/Financial Advisor |
Gail Junod | |
James Kaiser | Retired |
Autumn Killop | Optometrist |
Jana Kim | Orientation & Mobility Specialist |
David Klein | |
Edward Kleinfeld | |
Jeremy Knoester | Vice President |
Osman Koroma | |
Jeffrey Kraai | CPA |
Jean Kraai | |
Robert Lalley, Jr | Attorney |
Colleen Mulder | Marketing Director |
Stephen Mulder | |
Patrick Mullen | |
Michael Murphy | Vice President / General Manager |
Thomas Murphy | C.P.A. |
Kathy Oberlin | |
Mark Oberlin | Senior VP, Investments |
Steve Oberlin | |
Kelly Phelps | Administrative Assistant |
Thaddeus Phelps | CEO/CIO/Owner |
Kristen Plafkin | |
Aaron Plafkin | |
John Rice | Realtor | Associate Broker |
James Schuyler | |
Michael Smallegan | REALTOR |
Jacqueline Smart-Parrish | Realtor |
Ryan Smith | Financial Consultant |
Robert Snyders | Retired |
Brent Spoelstra | Ophthalmic Technician - Retired |
Richard Stevens | |
Paul Sullivan | Judge |
Edwin Thauer, Jr | Financial Advisor |
Bradley Tooker | Supply chain- route planner |
Kyle Travis | Vice President - Investments |
Tim Tuthill | |
Pam Van Overloop | |
Richard Walker | |
Raymond Weidenfeller | Managing Director |
Drew Wessell | |
Robert Winchester | |
Johngerlyn Young | Philanthropic Services Director |
Bob Younger | Retired |
Linda Zizos | Development Director |
Anthony Zoellner | |
Zoellner Ann | Principal |