Name | Title |
Name | Title |
Stephanie Anderson | |
Cheryl Anderson | Retired, Office Mgr GVSU |
Gary Anderson | Optometrist-Retired |
Erik Anderson | |
Joe Annoreno | |
James/Anne Baird | Blind Rehabilitation Specialist |
Anne Baird | Teacher Consultant for the Visually Imparied; Orientation and Mobility Specialist |
Meagan Baker | |
Carla Bolhuis | Elementary Educator |
Rick Bolhuis | Hudsonville Counselor |
Scott Brady | President/ CEO |
Jason Brown | Manager/Producer |
Kevin Carlson | |
Dr. Adam Carlson | Optometrist |
Daniel Crane | |
Keith Crittenden | |
Thomas Dandridge | Professor |
Jeffrey Dodson | CEO/Owner |
Patrick Droste | M.D. |
Benjamin Eavey | Director of Professional Services |
Sherah Eavey | Optometrist |
Shawn Eyestone | Estate Planning and Business Attorney |
Bill Fleetham | Retired |
Lynn Francis | |
Kim Gary | Partner - Retired |
Anna Goddard | Foundation Director |
Boyd Griswold | Retired |
Randall Hamstra | Vice President |
Shelley Irwin | Host, Morning Show |
Donald Jakel | Retired (as Business Manager) |
James Junod | Vice President/Financial Advisor |
Gail Junod | |
James Kaiser | Retired |
Autumn Killop | Optometrist |
Jana Kim | Orientation & Mobility Specialist |
David Klein | |
Edward Kleinfeld | |
Jeremy Knoester | Vice President |
Osman Koroma | |
Jeffrey Kraai | CPA |
Jean Kraai | |
Robert Lalley, Jr | Attorney |
Colleen Mulder | Marketing Director |
Stephen Mulder | |
Patrick Mullen | |
Michael Murphy | Vice President / General Manager |
Thomas Murphy | C.P.A. |
Kathy Oberlin | |
Mark Oberlin | Senior VP, Investments |
Steve Oberlin | |
Kelly Phelps | Administrative Assistant |
Thaddeus Phelps | CEO/CIO/Owner |
Kristen Plafkin | |
Aaron Plafkin | |
John Rice | Realtor | Associate Broker |
James Schuyler | |
Michael Smallegan | REALTOR |
Jacqueline Smart-Parrish | Realtor |
Ryan Smith | Financial Consultant |
Robert Snyders | Retired |
Brent Spoelstra | Ophthalmic Technician - Retired |
Richard Stevens | |
Paul Sullivan | Judge |
Edwin Thauer, Jr | Financial Advisor |
Bradley Tooker | Supply chain- route planner |
Kyle Travis | Vice President - Investments |
Tim Tuthill | |
Pam Van Overloop | |
Richard Walker | |
Raymond Weidenfeller | Managing Director |
Drew Wessell | |
Robert Winchester | |
Johngerlyn Young | Philanthropic Services Director |
Bob Younger | Retired |
Linda Zizos | Development Director |
Anthony Zoellner | |
Zoellner Ann | Principal |
Please note that mass emailing all members via the web site is restricted to the Club Secretary role. Please contact Craig Nobbelin or Cheryl Anderson directly if you'd like a communication pushed out to everyone.